"I was so used to RESISTER, then they brought out RESISTER +. It was like I was using a whole different product, yet it did exactly the same thing! Now that's technology."
—Shad Boom
Cease & Desist, You Misbred Little Meanie...
Why use armor, when you can resist them naturally with a high percentage of magic resistance? R.U.N. presents RESISTER +. No, there never was a RESISTER (one), but because it also gives you a +5 or higher damage on all hits, we thought it was a plus, hence the name.
Show Some Manners.
There are two parts to this file, RESISTER + for Magic Users & Thieves, and RESISTER + for Fighter Classes. Simply use the RESISTER + for Magic Users & Thieves on Magic Users, Enchanters, Clerics, and Thieves. Use the RESISTER + for Fighter Classes on Fighters, Monks, Rangers, and Paladins.
Social TABOO
DO NOT HAVE ANY DAMAGE INCREASERS OR MAGIC RESISTERS EQUIPPED WHEN USING THIS UTILITY. Hey, if you like having a fried egg fried on your egghead, then head to fried ideas like that.